Saturday, September 15, 2007

Science Classics

Science was never a favorite class of mine in school. As a homeschooler, I wanted to make it more appealing to my children. The key I found is to get the right mentors. . .or in this case books.

You are familiar with Curious George right? But did you know, that the author, H.A. Rey is a scientist? (who knew?!) For a couple years I searched for a book about the constellations that would give me the info I wanted, but not overwhelm me. I just wanted to know some constellations and the stories behind them not a lot of other technical details. I almost given up when I found H.A. Rey....bless him!

The Stars: A New Way to See Them by H.A. Rey...I love this book because he tells the stories about the Constellations, and he has redrawn them dot to dot style, rather than those pictures you find in other astronomy books. His pictures are so easy to remember and find in the sky. And he tells the stories about them that I had been searching for!! The writing is simple enough for children, but not "dumbed down". It is a book that we refer to again and again.

Find the Constellations by H.A. Rey...this is a much shorter (about the same length as a Curious George book) and simpler book, but just as wonderful in its own way. This book is for a younger audience.

For us moms or teenagers serious about science If you like Constellations, you have to check out the writings of John Pratt at Meridian Magazine about how the Constellations testify of Christ!!

Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method by Sally Kneidel...I stumbled on this treasure at a library. One of my sons is a very hands on learner, since I'm not this has been a challenge for me. This book is perfect for both of us. This lady really knows bugs! She give great info about where to find bugs, and how to keep them alive once you've caught them. Dehydration is the death knoll for most captive bugs apparently. Then she has suggestions for experiments to do with the bugs (99% of which do NOT harm the bugs). She also talks a lot about the Scientific Method, and I found that very helpful. This book is directed to school teachers, but easily adapted to home use.

Horrible Science...this is a series by those wonderful people in England that brought us Murderous Maths and Horrible Histories...both which my family love. We haven't actually read any of these yet, (so many books so little time!) But I am breaking my rule of only talking about books I have read because we love the other Horrible books.

Junior Master Gardeners...this is a 4-H program that is wonderful. They offer a book that is filled with wonderful, fun lessons about gardening. You could just buy the book, you don't need to do the whole 4-H thing if you don't want to. The kids love the activities in the book and I am amazed at how much even I have learned about plants and gardening!

Magic School Bus...this is an oldie but a goodie. If you can find copies of this show, they are awesome. Entertaining and educational, who could ask for more?

Myth Busters....this is a fun science show we currently watch. Each show they take a myth (sometimes more than one) and prove or disprove it. (Remember learning doesn't have to be an 8am to 3 pm project...we learn whenever the opportunity arises!!!)

Stop Faking It: Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It by William C. Robertson PhD

There are eight books in this series so far (or that I am aware of)
Force and Motion
Chemistry Basics
Electricity and Magnetism
Air, Water, Weather

As the title, "Finally understanding science so you can teach it" suggests, this book is written for teachers, homeschooling moms, or parents helping their kids with their homework. I believe these books are also great for people who want to learn more about science but feel a little overwhelmed by it. . .like me.

For sometime I have been thinking about Physics, and wanting to learn more about it. But like learning about constellations, I was having trouble finding the RIGHT book. I wanted one that would not overwhelm me but satisfy my passion to learn at the same time. When I found Force and Motion, I knew that I had found a treasure! I am still reading it, but it is just what I was looking for!

One of my sons is interested in electricity, one of me worst subjects in the science area! Thank goodness this series has a book on electricity. I look forward to reading it. And yes, I have another son interested in Chemistry. Thank goodness, for the Stop Faking It series. They will be a wonderful addition to my home library, and my own personal education! Highly recommended!!

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